
France school map

School map of France. France school map (Western Europe - Europe) to print. France school map (Western Europe - Europe) to download. In 1802, Napoleon created the lycée. Nevertheless it is Jules Ferry who is considered to be the father of the French modern school, which is free, secular, and compulsory until the age of 13 since 1882 (school attendance in France is now compulsory until the age of 16) as its shown in France school map. Nowadays, the schooling system in France is centralized, and is composed of three stages, primary education, secondary education, and higher education.
The school day in France is from 8:30 until 4:30, but it varies depending on which area you live in as you can see in France school map. This is longer than the typical school day in the UK or America, but there is a longer lunch break and two other breaks during the day. There are 24 hours of lessons a week. Most French elementary and secondary schools, as well as a large number of universities, are public institutions that have highly centralized administrations.