
France train map

Map of train lines in France. France train map (Western Europe - Europe) to print. France train map (Western Europe - Europe) to download. French railways have a reputation for punctuality, though delays seem slightly more common these days than in the past. Most trains however run on time, and delays of over ten minutes are unusual as its shown in France train map. This is doubtless one of the reasons why the French are regular rail travellers. If a mainline train (TGV or Intercités) is over 30 minutes late at arrival, on a journey of over 200 km., demand a late-arrival form when you reach your destination ; in some stations, staff will hand them out automatically. Fill this in and send it off with your ticket in the business-reply envelope provided, and you should receive a voucher worth 30% of the cost of your ticket.

Map of train lines in France

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On main routes not served by TGVs, such as Paris-Clermont-Ferrand or Paris - Limoges - Brive, very comfortable express trains run at speeds that can reach 200 km/hr on some stretches. These long-distance express trains, previously known as "corails" are now known as "Intercités" as its mentioned in France train map.
It is not just on main lines, however, that rail travel in France can be a great way to travel. More and more branch lines and feeder services are now operated with state-of-the art and very comfortable new railcars that resemble miniature TGV as you can see in France train map. With massive picture windows along the sides, the experience of travelling along some rural rail routes is rather like that of riding a scenic railway; and regional councils, that are now in charge of running local rail services, seem to be competing with each other, particularly in tourist areas, to boost their image by investing in these very impressive new railcars. Even better, many French regions have invested quite heavily in recent years in upgrading regional branch lines with new track as well as new rolling stock. And in some departments, local services all cost just one Euro a ride.
If you are planning a trip and want to travel by rail, take a look our train map of France. It highlights some of the most popular routes across the country, including high-speed, regional and the major international routes. Our interactive France rail map highlights both high-speed and regional railway lines in France, as well as the main rail connections to its neighbouring countries, including Switzerland, Spain and Germany.